Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, [20] teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age.
The greatest commission which the Lord Jesus Christ gave to the Church is to go and preach the Gospel to all nations and to teach them to observe all things (Make them Disciples), Matthew 28:19-20.
It’s our mission to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, Christians well equipped with the word of God filled with the Holy Spirit, developed spiritually, and morally. You will notice that the process of making disciples includes “teaching them to observe all that I commanded you”.
Becoming a Christian is more than just believing the right truths about God. It also involves a reshaping of the entire person into the image of Jesus Christ.
Jesus wants us to know him and understand the power of his resurrection; we can only be transformed into the Image of His person after obtaining the Knowledge of His Eternal Word. The more we know Him is the more we draw closer to Him; the Word of God is life to them that eat it daily.
This program is aimed for the new converts, people that have just accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. It’s very important for new converts to be taught the basic Christian life principles. Salvation is not a mere walk over, but a steady accelerating journey, therefore one should be equipped with the knowledge of God’s word in order to walk faithfully up to the finishing line.
The following are some of the Topics to be covered and it will take us about three months to complete it.
✅Introduction to the Holy Bible
✅The Fall of Man (Sin)
✅The Ten Commandments
✅What is Christianity?
✅Being Born Again
✅Faith Vs Religion
✅Love and Forgiveness
✅Holiness and Righteousness
✅Who is God?
✅Who is Jesus Christ?
✅Who is the Holy Spirit?
✅The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
✅Bearing the Fruit of the Holy Spirit
✅Understanding the Purpose of call (Destiny)
✅The Covenant name (Christian Naming)
✅How to Prayer?
✅Spiritual warfare
✅True Fasting
✅Holy Communion
✅Visions and Dreams
✅True Praise and Worship
✅Divine Healing
✅Eternal Life
✅The Rapture (Jesus second coming)
✅Heaven and Lake of Fire
✅Tithe and offertory
✅Holy Marriage
✅Water Baptism
✅Baptism of the Holy Spirit
✅Enduring Persecution
✅Faith in God
We shall cover the above Mentioned Biblical Themes and I trust God that at the end of this program, we shall have increased in the knowledge of the Word of Truth.
We shall also answer all the questions that brethrens will ask. Please feel free to ask questions at any time.
God bless you so much as we journey together in faith 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻