It is our passion at Christ Trumpet Ministries to reach out to more youths and draw them to Jesus Christ. It’s the will of God for us to preach the Gospel in Schools, Universities and establish students led fellowships in those institutions. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom Proverbs9:10, The excellency of the youths into better citizens in the society is through having the Knowledge of God’s word. The Vision for Youth Ministry is ‘’Raising a Generation For Christ’’
I was personally raise up in students Scripture Union fellowships, I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Saviour while in senior four at St. Kizito secondary school-Mateete and my life never remained the same. From then I realized the need to preach to students the gospel of our Lord Jesus. When you get Born Again while still tender, you save your youthful age from many peer influenced habits and behavior, an upright youth should not be given to drunkardness, sexual perversion, fornication, drug addiction, riots and fights, thefts etc,… but what can help a young man to keep away from all these evil behaviors is the saving power and blood of the Lord Jesus Christ (Psalms119:9).
It’s expedient to save the time because the days are so evil, therefore the youths a hundred percent need Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to help them to stay pure and clean.
See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
School Outreach

Our Youth Leader and his team conducts different school outreaches of all levels i.e; Primary schools, secondary schools, and universities. We aim at establishing students lead Christian Fellowships in schools so that God can anoint and raise capable leaders from within the schools.
You can Join us for the Next outreach or if you are a school administrator, college principal, university dean, please feel free to invite us at your campus by sending us an email to christtrumpetministries@gmail.com or call +25678 039 4580
You can also send in your love gifts to the children at the ministry offices which may include; Bibles, Christian Books for children, Pens, Exercise books, Note books, Geometry sets, Graph books, T-shirts, school Shoes, Handkerchief, sweets, chocolates, Letters, Play toys, etc,
Hospital Outreach

You can Join us today for the next Hospital outreach where we reach out to patients in different hospitals with the Word of God, agree with them with a Prayer of Healing in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ as it is written in Mark16:18,…..’’Ye shall lay your hands upon the sick and they shall recover’’, God is the healer.
We also do other charitable and Voluntary works in the Hospital like, cleaning Patient’s wards, hospital compounds, Moping the hospital floors, Helping Nurses, Carrying casualties, etc; and donating clothes, food items, Drink items, soap, and related hospitalized needs.
You can volunteer with us under this ministry or you can send in your gift to the patients, i.e; Cleaning tools, gloves, soap, bed materials, food items, drink items, etc, at the Ministry offices.
Prison Outreach

For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.
God is love, therefore we should love one another as ourselves, comfort the broken hearted, mourn with mourners, rejoice with the happy, and minister love and hope to the hurted world.
A team of youths guided by the church elders conduct prison outreach ministry where we preach the salvation power and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ who was anointed by the Holy Spirit to set the captives free and to open the prison doors to them that are bound.
We open our arms to the prisoners with charitable works like, giving out Bibles, Food items, Drink items, cardigans and other hygienic equipments.
You can Join or Volunteer with us for the next Prison outreach ministry or you can send your love gifts for the prisoners to the ministry offices.